2015 Inauguration Ceremony Student Remarks Skip to main content

2015 Inauguration Ceremony Student Remarks

On February 12, 1955 President David O Mckay at the groundbreaking services for this land prophesied of the purpose of this school being built. Firstly, a testimony of the existence of Deity and the establishment of peace internationally, and secondly, to produce men and women “who cannot be bought or sold, men (and women) who will scorn to violate truth, genuine gold.” He said that more than that they will be leaders, not only on this island but everywhere. President McKay continues his address by saying, “no man or woman should teach in this college who doesn’t have in his or her heart an assurance, not a mere belief, an assurance, that God has had his hand over this entire valley.

That dedication offered years ago was inspired, that this land is a choice land. It’s part of America, part of Zion. Furthermore, that the gospel plan as revealed by our Father in Heaven through the prophet Joseph is the only plan by which the world, by obedience, may obtain peace. I feel that as you do with all your heart, no matter what the theories are, no matter what their desires and schemes may be, eventually they will come back to the principles of the gospel and the kingdom as will be taught in this school.”

In our first Ohana Meeting with you, President and Sister Tanner, we felt that the Lord had set you apart and that you have an assurance of the sacredness of this place. We welcome you as our President and Father of this, the Lord’s university, as we work together to fulfill sacred prophecies uttered by President David O McKay. With the Lord as our guide I know that you will fulfill the purposes for which the Lord has called you here.

On behalf of the student body we would like to extend our Aloha to you. This means our love, our hearts, our spirits and our hands to the building up the kingdom of God in his university.

In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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