2015 Inauguration Ceremony Alumni Remarks Skip to main content

2015 Inauguration Ceremony Alumni Remarks

President and Sister Tanner, it is my privilege, on behalf of more than 27,000 alumni to say aloha, konichiwa, bula, mabuhay, talofa and welcome to BYU–Hawaii.

Elder Marvin J. Ashton said, “Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we are loved and where we can love. Home should be where life’s greatest lessons are taught and learned.”

I have been blessed to spend most of my life in this special community of Laie. This is my home. I’m proud to have been raised by a father who attended Church College of Hawaii, by leaders who gained their employment on campus and been influenced by peers from all over the world who called this place home for a season of their lives. This is where I, and many alumni, have learned some of the greatest lessons of our lives.

Just as children leave home, our students take a piece of their BYU-Hawaii home, and step with faith into the world. Even as President David O. McKay prophesied, we are leaders. We serve in our families, communities, employment and the church.

We may be a small school in the country, on a tiny island in the middle of a huge ocean, but the well of influence for good, the establishment of peace internationally that springs from this campus has and will continue to exceeded any expectation.

President and Sister Tanner, we are so grateful that you have chosen to become a part of our family, to make your home here at this time. We look forward to your leadership and service and pledge to you our support. You have our love, and may the Lord bless you in this great endeavor.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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